As May comes to a close, we’re so proud of the many groups who organized #GiveHealthy drives. We know from our food bank and pantry partners that they are all dealing with an historic increase in need stemming from the COVID19 pandemic. It’s been inspiring to see that so many have chipped in to help by organizing drives and making healthy food donations. Whether a drive raised 100 lbs of food or more than 25,000 lbs (WOW and thanks to West Side Campaign Against Hunger) – every drive is making a difference at a critical time.

As the traditional spring food drive season comes to an end in the next couple of weeks, we hope that we all won’t lose sight of the fact that the need will continue to grow across the summer months. Summer is typically a time of lower food drive activity for all kinds of reasons. This year, we are urging everyone to disrupt that tradition and to support those facing hunger in an even bigger way.