Guest Blog Post by James Devine, #GiveHealthy intern
I am a marketing student at Seton Hall University’s Stillman School of Business and one of several interns working on #GiveHealthy. I joined the Give Healthy Movement because I enjoy helping others and believe that this initiative is a great way to make a difference for people that are constantly struggling to get their next meal.
In the past I have volunteered at several different food banks around the country and have witnessed first hand how donations are given out as well as what kind of food items are being distributed. It struck me then how poor the quality of the food was, and how, for so many people, this would be the only nourishment they would receive during their week, before they would come back the next time that they were eligible to receive more.
I am fully committed to making the #GiveHealthy Movement as large and successful as possible and cannot wait until we start distributing food and making a difference!